
2109 West Darlington Street

Florence, SC 29501

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unlimited potential

Carolina Precision Foods maintains the flexibility required to satisfy the varying and unique needs of our customers. In an industry that is increasingly driven by machine processing, we have taken the opposite approach. CPF focuses on developing capabilities around our customers, experience, and people. This allows us to tailor products and processes to our partners’ unique needs.

tender portioning

Each bird only has 2…until we split to your specification!  CPF can tailor tenders to fit your desired serving size. 

breast portioning

Chef-ready portions, strips, and nuggets that reduce back-of-house labor.  Size-specific and ready for prep.  Marination and Flat-Packing streamline your process. 

whole bird cut-up

Team members convert whole birds into 8pc, 9pc, or custom models ready for restaurants, delis, or industrial use. 

dark meat deboning

Our experienced team debones chicken legs and thighs by hand. We offer boneless skinless and skin-on cuts of thigh, drumstick, and whole leg meat.  Dark meat brings the flavor!

ground chicken

Primary and by-product processing into value-added form.  Ground white meat, dark meat, and Mechanically Separated Chicken options available.

breast deboning

Hand-cut breasts, tenders, and wings harvested from front halves.

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